THS ’76 45th Reunion Itinerary, Sept 24, 25, 2021
(Updated 9/24/2021)
Cost: There is no charge for any event! Several classmates already paid for the shelter house to keep things simple.
1. Friday 9/24: THS 150th Parade downtown Topeka. Unknown if anyone from our class is participating. Approximately 2:00pm. For more details on THS 150th activities see:
2. Friday 9/24, 7:00pm, THS vs. Manhattan football game at Hummer Sports Park, Topeka. We will try to congregate around the 20 yard line on the north side of the THS bleachers for anyone who wants to meet there. There is an admission charge.
3. Saturday 9/25, Noon, THS. THS is having an open house from 10:00am to 2:30pm. This won’t be an organized tour. We’ll just gather a little before noon at the main entrance. THS has assigned Room 122 to our class to use as a homeroom, so if you don't see classmates outside, check room 122!
4. Saturday 9/25, 4:30pm to 10:30pm Shawnee Lake Event: Shelter house #3 - 3616 SE Memory Point, Topeka, KS 66609. We have a food vendor serving tacos starting at 6:00pm. BYOB, and you might want to bring a lawn chair.
COVID: We all know it’s getting bad again, so we would be smart to follow social distancing and masking guidelines to the extent possible. Please consider masking indoors, especially if you are unvaccinated.
Check back for updates!